Wavenet Cloud Documentation

9.2.2 Editing a User

An Administrator Account is required to edit Users.

  1. Login to https://portal.ahasa.io/login.

  2. On the Left Pane, expand Users and click User Management.

    Figure Navigating to User Management

  3. On the Available Users section identify the required user and click the button in the Actions tab.

    Figure Navigating to Edit User

  4. Update the required fields. The field descriptions are given below. Email and Assign cannot be changed.

    Figure Edit User

    • First Name - The first name of the user.

    • Last Name - The last name of the user.

    • Job Title - The job title of the user.

    • User the search box in User Role to search and assign user roles. Go to 8.2.1 Creating a Role to create a new role.



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